Tag Archives: website

Yet another weird viral from Diesel…

Quique the head even has his own website.

So very very odd.

Awesome website alert: Jarvis Cocker


Today, I am mostly loving Jarvis Cocker’s new website.

It’s black and white. It’s simple. It’s bloggy. And it contains looped video of Jarv messing about.

What’s not to like?

Another new favourite website


Steal Our Ideas.

Does exactly what you’d imagine.

Clevery advertising people.

Ideas stolen.

My new favourite website



That is all.

texts from last night

Just come across this site. The idea is to submit texts from ‘the night before’, the funnier the better.

In a way, it’s a bit like my Random snippets of conversation posts. Oh yes it is.

Some examples:

  • “just witnessed a squirrel raping another squirrel. i couldn’t look away”
  • “literally had 100 drinks last night.”
  • “Vomit. Vomit. Whatever. You wear a tiara in public.”

Lost your luggage?

lost luggage

What a nice concept:

  1. Go to a ‘lost luggage’ auction (these do actually exist – in Tooting, I think)
  2. Purchase someone’s missing suitcase
  3. Take photographs of the contents
  4. Post it online and try to find the owner

Take a look at the isthisyourluggage.com project and see for yourself…

Look at this fucking hipster


New Website Alert: Look at this fucking hipster

A photo/video blog which, like Ronseal, does exactly what is says on the tin.

Tres amusing.

Hunting for the popular

we are hunted

Check out We Are Hunted, a little site I stumbled across that pulls in info from across the web (think blogs, twitter, social networks, torrents et al) to compile a daily chart of the most popular songs online.


A ninja stole this page

Thank you Super Punch for pointing out this very cool 404 page:


I love it when people get creative with their 404 pages.

And now I sound a bit simple…

Creative grooming

No, not THAT sort of grooming, THIS sort of grooming…


This is actually the most incredible website I have ever witnessed. I think my favourite is the ninja turtle…

Link courtesy of Why, That’s Deligthful. Delightful!

Kirstie (of Kirstie and Phil) loses stuff


Poor old Kirstie Allsop has lost her engagement ring and, through the wonders of modern technology, she is appealing to Hackney residents for its safe return via a dedicated website. Bless.